Monday, April 14, 2014

Stage Directions

Comment on the stage directions in this play.  How general or precise is the playwright? How do the directions enhance your understanding of the action? In what way(s) do they interfere with your own thinking about the action?


In the early parts of the play, how is the setting important to the situation, events, and possible themes? Consider how the setting -- and remember that this does not have to be a singular idea -- is actually represented or reflected in the dialogue or details.

In addition, explore the historical context of the play. Attach at least one link to background information you find in your research. Track your thinking about setting as you continue to read.

Elements of Drama

Read about the elements of drama outlined in your anthology on pp.1015-1018. To what degree does your play conform to these traditions? Explore the places where the play seems to take a different structure and to what effect?


Consider the characters. What societal forces are working for or against them? To what degree do they seem to have control over those forces?

Essential Questions

What essential questions emerge for you as progress through the play? Identify 2 or 3 of these. Choose one of these questions and make an effort to answer it.